How to make good use of division of audience as a marketing professional

How to make good use of division of audience as a marketing professional

I will always say this, you may have the best products but without good marketing communication, your products won’t sell to expectations. Likewise, you may have good communication skills in marketing but without good research, you may communicate in the best way but to the wrong audience. Research is key not only in academics but in every field, marketing communication inclusive. You do not get up with a prior assumption that everyone wants to patronize whatever you put out there. That is an unprofessional act and I must be frank with you. 

How to make good use of division of audience as a marketing professional
How to make good use of division of audience as a marketing professional by

There are hundreds and thousands of people and marketing professionals who are your competitors wanting to outsmart you and win your customers each and every day. You must therefore do complete research to know the people who are your trusted audience or customers, with that, nothing can take their attention or loyalty away from you. This research is what is termed a division of audience. In this article, I will discuss with you as a marketing professional, how can use division of audience to help maximize outcomes in your profession.

I will discuss with you the four main divisions of the audience and how each of them can help you as a marketing communicator or professional. The first division is demographic. Public speakers know about this as that is the basic audience to consider as a public speaker for effective communication to take place. When it comes to marketing communication, the value they say is the same. It is no different demographic but the same one. This is where a marketing professional conducts a market survey or research based on income level, gender, status, age, marital status, and education, just mention them. Why do you think this research must take place and when should it take place? Yes, it is very necessary and take note that every research in marketing communication is done before goods and services are put out there for it is out of your research that you will identify the specific audience demographics that would easily patronize whatever you sell to them.

For instance, you are a marketing professional or manager for an organization that is into smartphone production, and based on your position in the organization, how these products would get out there to bring good results depends on you. What would you do in the first place? This is where you must get to the ground and do research or market surveys. Even though we are in an era where everyone wants to use a smartphone with the kind of products your organization produces, is it in range with the majority’s income? Can every gender use them without any challenges? 

All these questions are answerable when you conduct demographic research to identify the exact demographics that would easily purchase the smartphone. There are various ways to do that; interviews, surveys, questionnaires, and other qualitative and quantitative research types. A popular smartphone company is always manufacturing new models because its marketing professionals have identified that this generation adores such stuff.

The next audience division is geographic from the word “geography”. This has to do with location, where your audiences are. You can’t establish a brand in America and produce items that are more patronized in Africa. It is displacement of priorities according to what I know about marketing. Before you produce anything at all, you should have prior knowledge about whatever you would produce and it is all about research. Once you know, you must consider your location and the location of the people you want to sell to. If that is the case, no one prevents you from selling things to Africans all the way from America as it is possible online but ask yourself, how many people would buy those products if it were to be in Africa as compared to selling online to them? This is why some big brands like Samsung, Tecno, Google, Amazon, and others have their branches internationally because their research has proven to them that, their customers are worldwide.

The psychographics of your audience are another division of the audience that should be carefully taken into consideration. This is to know about the attitudes and interests of people who are eligible to become your audience. The very first time I heard this, I asked myself how the attitudes and interests of people I want to sell my products to can influence my profession as a marketer or have an effect. Well, I got to realize that marketing is not just about selling products to make money but it is exchanging value for money. 

What the people like is their interests, add it to your products list and your sales will be magical. If you study their attitude and bring out something that meets their attitudes, you are a successful marketing professional because you have established a loyal audience for yourself. When you go to a certain community or household, you realize that they have a common interest and that is a big advantage for us the marketing professionals because it is the basis upon which our market will sell.

The last division of the audience I want to talk about is behavioral. Don’t confuse this with attitudes under psychographics. This looks at research into behaviors. Out of the four divisions, I believe this is the one that can be done after an exchange has happened. You can study their behavior, and reaction to what they have purchased and that will urge you to market more of the same products or make a change.

When you conduct your research around these divisions of audience and do it well, a marketing professional will know where to effectively sell their products, the people that will patronize it, and ask for more. After, isn’t that what marketing professionals aim to achieve?

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