Some Innovative Communication Tools for Remote Teams to Enhance Organizational Communication

Some Innovative Communication Tools for Remote Teams to Enhance Organizational Communication

Working from has become an integral part of many big companies and organizations. With just an active data connection and a smart device, some workers are allowed to be remote workers. This happens when the organization has many locations worldwide and still operates a centralized system as it has one headquarters. In this case, would organizational communication not take place because other workers are scattered all over the world? How were they employed in the first place? Location is now not a hindrance to communication because of digitalization. You can be overseas and still use any of the directions of communication to communicate in your organization. Even with gossip and the likes, you would still have access to them. 

Some Innovative Communication Tools for Remote Teams to Enhance Organizational Communication by

Nevertheless, this distance sometimes becomes a problem for some organizations because people tend to use most at times only email to reach out to the management or any other office within the organization. Aside from that, there is limited collaboration and connection because remote workers only tend to show up when they have a concern or have to deliver or there is a virtual meeting. This is no longer a problem. In this article, I will discuss with you some innovative communication tools that go beyond email and can help enhance organizational communication regardless of employees’ location.

Email has played and is still playing a vital role in organizational settings. Over the past decades, it has helped employees and employers to communicate with each other without necessarily getting in touch in person. However, with the rise of digitalization and digitization, email now lacks the immediacy and interactivity required when it comes to effective remote teamwork. This is why there is a need for additional innovative communication tools for remote teams in organizations.

Thanks to the advancement in technology today, there has been the development of several communication tools designed specifically for remote teams and this is really helping organizations to solve the problem of real-time interactivity and collaboration which has been lacking on the part of remote teams for some time now. Let us consider some of these innovative communication tools for remote teams to enhance organizational communication.

The first one I will talk about is Slack. This is a messaging platform that allows teams to communicate in real-time through channels, direct messages, and group chats. The nature of this communication tool, its effectiveness, and its responsiveness are very helpful to remote workers. This means wherever you are in the world, you can still be in the organization in person with the help of Slack and other communication tools. You just need an active internet connection and you are part of the physical organization despite being a remote worker.

The next one is Microsoft Teams. This is somehow common for people who use Windows laptops and smart devices. As the name implies, teams and remote teams for that matter can interact and connect with their organization and with each other anywhere and anytime. It is a combination of chat and video conferencing, you can store files and collaborate all on this platform. For me, it is an amazing communication tool. You can work on organizational projects as a team, and partake in organizational communication anywhere with Microsoft Teams.

Zoom is common on the list I have gathered but most people tend to underrate the abilities of Zoom. Anything virtual meeting is now assigned to Zoom. It offers high-quality video conferencing and has features that allow people using the platform to share their screens, send private messages, and do other stuff. Groups can even divide themselves into smaller groups for discussions and this is what organizational communication is all about. This is what the management of organizations wants from their remote workers. Remote workers should not underrate Zoom, it is one powerful communication tool that enhances organizational communication very much.

If you are part of a remote team and are looking for a project management platform that would help your remote team organize tasks, track progress, and collaborate on projects, then Asana is the best choice for you. This tool allows easy project management as compared to other platforms. When you are assigned a task, organization management can track the progress of your task from time to time. You are also eligible to see your progress. To me, this is a fantastic tool that would help remote workers in organizations a lot.

Amongst the list is Trello. This is not that popular but to those who have been using it, it is popular for them. It is just like Asana, a project management tool that uses boards, lists, and cards to organize tasks and workflows. It is just like visualizing projects, assigning tasks, and tracking task progress on this platform. Isn’t this what remote workers are supposed to use?

When remote workers can use these innovative communication tools in their various organizations, there is going to be increased productivity. These platforms would enable remote workers to communicate in real time with their organizations and each other more hence increasing task execution, fast transmission of grievances, and problems to be solved. Isn’t that the way forward? It would also enhance greater flexibility as compared to the days when email had to be the only way. Now, remote workers are flexible in choosing any innovative communication tool that would make their work more effective and simpler for them. Which means more connection and more collaboration and that is the essence of organizational communication. 

As the world is advancing, there is a need for organizations, and international ones for that matter to accept remote workers worldwide. Therefore, the need to employ some innovative communication tools to help organizational communication to be still effective regardless of other employees’ location.

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