Tips on how to partner with influencers to boost marketing results without overspending

Tips on how to partner with influencers to boost marketing results without overspending

To be able to reach the point you or your organization want, sometimes it's not possible to do that alone. You can do the right things, do your research, and produce what your audience needs yet you may not reach the target you want to reach. Maybe, you are not using the right channels to advertise your products to your audience. There is something in strategic communication called strategic media planning. So, what this means, planning to execute a media strategy after careful observations and considerations. 

Tips on how to partner with influencers to boost marketing results without overspending by

If an organization wants to use the traditional media to broadcast an advert about their products, they just don’t get up, get the vibrant television or radio station in town, and pay to advertise. They go through media planning to know the channel that would be more effective, the particular media firm, and the hours they prefer to showcase their products. Yeah, so all the advertisements you have been seeing and hearing on programs and during program breaks are paid for by organizations. Depending on your budget, you can secure an hour that most people are watching or listening to a particular program and you would be charged more as compared to other programs that do not have much viewership and listenership. That was just by the way, I won’t delve much into media planning.

The world is changing, advancing, and evolving. We are in an era where media has become an extension of our bodies which means we can at several places without moving an inch. You may be in Africa and through foreign news stories, you will get to know what is happening in the U.S.A. and other Western countries. This is also known as the global village where the world has become a little space where regardless of your location you can get in touch with anybody, anywhere through the internet and or social media. If this is the new trend, why don’t you change your style as a marketer? 

You need to adapt to the changing society else you will be behind. Social media marketing is the new trend now as many marketers are paying people with huge audiences to advertise their products for them. This is safer than the traditional media where you have no clue of the particular audience that is reading, viewing, or listening to that newspaper, television, or radio station respectively. As you are focused on making returns for your organization and yourself, others are also focused on building reputation, and self-brand, with an audience on social media and they are known as the influencers. Since they have realized the essence of their followers and audiences, they charge much to put other organizations’ products on their social media pages and handles. But I have some tips for you on how you can still partner with these influencers without having to spend much beyond your budget.

The first tip is to identify influencers that are in your niche. I stated before that some people do nothing but build a brand for themselves to gain more followers and influence on social media. Some are content creators and some also offer valuable tips to help people. Every influencer has his or her target audience and once you a marketer contract them to put your products out there to reach more people, their audience automatically becomes yours so you need to know the audience type before you agree to hire an influencer. A practical example is an organization that is into sports products manufacturing and you are the marketing communicator or expert for them; there are times when they would want to use an influencer to push their products to reach more potential customers and that sometimes can be done on your advice. You can’t contract an influencer who is into the religious niche, posting biblical content and other religious stuff because that influencer is in a different niche from yours.

The next tip I will give you is to partner with upcoming influencers and not already-made influencers. The moment these influencers got to know that their audience could fetch them more money, they also raised their standards, and I agree with them. However, a marketing company struggling to get their products to reach more customers to get more buyers should not go in for these established influencers because you will pay a lot of money. Instead, I advise you to get some of these upcoming influencers. Some of them have the audience but are not too famous so their standards are not as high as those who are famous. You can even make them the brand ambassadors for your organization and the little influence they have would push more people to see your brand with time without necessarily spending so much money on well-known influencers.

You must also build relationships with influencers if you want their services without overpaying. Some people underrate relationships too much with the excuse that business is business hence relationships cannot change business terms. Well, to some true extent but I strongly disagree with such allegations. A friend in need they say is a friend indeed. If you are my friend and you have been able to build an online presence for yourself and me who knows this comes to you to advertise my company’s products, there is no doubt that there would be some considerations despite the company not being mine but at the end of the day, if you spend less to get more results, I think the management would spot the improvement and reward you for your efforts. Get closer to influencers and be in contact with them for a longer time. Do not build a relationship with an influencer today and be demanding for consideration on an ad you want him or her to place for you, that is unethical and would definitely destroy such a relationship. There should be some kind of bond for a longer time.

Influencer marketing is taking over organizations going in person to market their products. However, cut your clothes according to your size and follow the tips I have provided in this article to help you make good use of influencers for your organization without overspending.

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